
The Biobanques is a French public infrastructure which is dedicated to biomedical research, in particular in the fields of biomarker development and translational medicine. In 2016, Cellvax has concluded a partnership with Biobanques in order to further enhance its capacity to provide different in vivo drug validation models. 

UMR 8126 – Gustave Roussy                          

Gustave Roussy is the first European Cancer Centre that ensure patient care, research and teaching. The  center is dedicated to treat all types of cancers. Two PhD students were successfully trained between Cellvax and the research team.




Since 1989 AID, with its headquarters in the south-west of Germany, produces and markets diagnostic products, imaging devices and suitable software programs within the wide range of immunology and infectious diseases. One of the world-wide most used EliSpot readers (AID EliSpot Reader System) was developed and produced by AID. Since 2017 AID established ”AID Immune Analytics” focusing on development of EliSpot-based assays for immunooncology and offering a CRO service lab for customer sample analysis.

MicroMol GmbH

The MicroMol GmbH is a GMP-certified and ISO 17025 accredited analytical laboratory. A partnership has been signed in July 2016 between Cellvax and MicroMol for their complementary activities laboratory.


Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission that  supports international innovative projects led by research and development- performing small- and medium-sized enterprises.



EuroNanoMed is a platform for funding agencies and ministries that supports multidisciplinary and translational research and innovation projects that cover: Regenerative medicine, Diagnostics and Targeted delivery systems. Cellvax has participated in large collaborative innovative R&D projects that have been approved and financed by European Commission.

Bpifrance (OSEO)

OSEO is French government organisation supporting the creation and development of innovating companies. OSEO is financial partner to support the rapid development of Cellvax.